1. 7 0 2 6 A B 1 C 4 2 0 C D A 2 3
  2. 1 0 E D F 8 C 7 0 C 5 B 4 3 0 5
  3. C 3 E 1 6 E C 3 9 C 3 0 C 4 1 B
  4. 6 C F 9 5 4 E 4 2 6 D 8 7 9 E F
  5. 8 7 4 A D E 9 C 3 4 B F 3 6 B 1
  6. D 9 9 A 2 A 4 E B C F 8 1 1 6 7
  7. A 6 D B E 6 D E 0 B 9 1 6 1 F F
  8. C D 3 6 0 0 E 6 F 6 C C 0 8 9 F
Conspectus 12022 Q3
Chronical - III
Recursion Ninja
12022+265 Thursday, September 22
Word Count
408 (ERT 2 min)
Code Lines

Quarter 3: Summer Solstice to Autumnal Equinox

The third entry in my conspectus series, recounting my quarterly professional and academic activities between a solstice and an equinox.

Masters Thesis

Perhaps the most significant event within this quarter has been the successful defense of my Masters thesis. After my defense presentation, my thesis was accepted with major revisions. Fortunately, my committee gave me very clear and direct feedback outlining the expected revisions. The result of the revision is ultimately a stronger manuscript, better conveying it’s impact and place amongst related literature.

Doctoral Program

A nearly equally exciting event, is beginning my doctoral program at the PhD program beginning in the Fall 2022 semester at The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York (GC - CUNY). There exists a previous weblog entry (Matriculation) elaborating the details of my program. During my first semester, I am enrolled in four courses comprising 13 credits. Each course presents interesting topics, but the Computational Logic Seminar has by far been my favorite. I am excited for the continued progression in my courses as the semester continues.


Concluding my masters program and preparing for my doctoral program have been all consuming, precluding any other noteworthy entries this quarter.